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Each of these will also have have a separate work programme. Horizon Europe is also implemented through another specific programme (the European Defence Fund) and is complemented by the Euratom Research and Training Programme. The activities of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) are set out in separate programming documents. the part widening participation and strengthening the European Research AreaĪ significant part of Pillar II of Horizon Europe will be implemented through institutionalised partnerships, particularly in the areas of Mobility, Energy, Digital and Bio-based economy, which will also have separate work programmes.European innovation ecosystems under Pillar III.Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and research infrastructures under Pillar I.Follow these steps to check the versions in your software cache. If the software cache is empty or has an older version in it then it will download 11.20.73 in which case you will run out of Disk space. One specific programme under Horizon Europe is implemented through the following: If you software cache already has 11.20 in it then the only thing that the download jobs will do is add Maintenance release 73 to it.

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Work programmes set out funding opportunities under Horizon Europe.

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